Time Series Part 1
Methodology Map
Simple Forecasting Methods
Average Method
Moving Average over a time period
Naive Method — Use the previous observation value.
Seasonal Naive — Use the observation in same season last year?
Components of a Time Series
Trend: Gradual shift to higher or lower values over a long period of time.
Up trend, Down trend or Stationary
Example of an upward trend
Regular occurring fluctuations in the same calendar year
Cyclic pattern
Data exhibit rise and fall(Fluctuations) that are not in a fixed period
Stock market bull and bear cycles. Business cycles etc.
These are very hard to predict
Exponential Smoothing Models
ETS Time Series Forecasting
Each of these terms Error, Trend and Seasonality can be either added additively, multiplicatively or left out for smoothing method calculations.
Time Series Decomposition
Seasonal Patterns with increasing seasonal values.
Upward trend. (calculated by moving average, also called deseasonalized)
Error term: Difference between Observed valued and trend line estimates. It is the remainder that is not accounted for by combining seasonality and trend.
Additive Seasonality (Sales up by 50 Units every January) show linear behavior, while multiplicative Seasonality(bookings increased 1.5 times every April)show exponential behavior.
We will explore different ETS Models that help us forecast different time series scenarios.
Simple Exponential smoothing vs Moving Average
Exponential smoothing get rids of new data faster through weights, but more sensitive to sudden large and small values.
The simple exponential smoothing method does not account for any trend or seasonal components, rather, it only uses the decreasing weights to forecast future results. This makes the method suitable only for time series without trend and seasonality.
Double exponential smoothing or Holt’s Linear Trend Method (Accounts for Trend and seasonality not
Damped Trend Methods
Holt-Winters Seasonal Method